Healthy Longevity
Book Series
an award-winning book series.
Heritage Care Advocates is the only senior care company with an award-winning book series designed to educate families and senior care professionals on topics related to healthy aging in an informative, fun and accessible way. Copies of the books are available for purchase on and below you can read a comprehensive snapshot of the topics the series covers. We also keep copies at our office…. Please call us today if you would like to check out a copy!

Happy to 102
Happy to 102 (Available on is the first book in our senior wellness series and focuses on healthy longevity, which we define as remaining healthy, active, sharp and happy throughout an extensive lifespan.
We are living longer than ever. Centenarians are the fastest growing segment of our population. Before we know it, 102 just may become the new 75. As lifespan increases, we also want to see health-span increase. Happy to 102 lays out all those factors-diet, exercise, sociability, mental challenge, sense of purpose-that make the difference not only in how long we live but in how well we live. Based on groundbreaking scientific research of the longest living people on Earth, Happy to 102 spells out precisely what it takes to delay or escape Alzheimer’s and other chronic diseases, slow down the process of aging and enjoy better health in our senior years. With an emphasis on aging in place with in-home care, Happy to 102 unlocks the secrets to longevity and inspires us to live happier, healthier lives at any age.

The Handbook of Live-in Care
The Handbook of Live-in Care (Available on is the second book in our senior wellness series and offers practical, how-to advice on caring for an aging parent or loved one.
Age may be “just a number” for many people, but it also brings very real daily challenges for a number of older adults. Retaining independence and living in their own homes is integral to the majority of older adults’ sense of well-being. However, frailty, illness and forgetfulness can make living at home difficult. The Handbook of Live-In Care gives caregivers-usually an adult son or daughter-practical, how to advice on caring for an elderly loved one. From understanding the psychology of home-bound adults to tips for assisting with everyday needs, The Handbook of Live-In Care offers the first definitive guide to maximizing the quality of life for an older adult.

From Hospital to Home Care
From Hospital to Home Care (Available on is the third book in our senior wellness series and offers practical advice on how to help make the transition from hospital to home smooth for your loved one.
The post-hospitalization experience is a source of tremendous anxiety for patients and their families who are faced with coordinating home care after a hospital discharge. From Hospital to Home Care provides a comprehensive overview of the challenges and resources associated with each step in the transition from hospital to home, explaining the discharge process from an inpatient hospital stay, common issues associated with specific medical conditions, the unique needs of a recently hospitalized patients, and the importance of home care in patient outcomes and quality of life. From Hospital to Home Care arms families with the knowledge necessary to navigate the discharge process and arrange quality care for those patients who wish to remain in their homes.

The Five Senses
The Five Senses (Available on is the fourth book in our award-winning senior wellness series and provides information, insights and practical advice to help older adults cope with these changes in sensory awareness.
Our senses – sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing – are our primary mechanisms for interacting with the world around us. As we age, our senses will gradually decline and these sensory deficits can fundamentally change how we interact with our environment. Managing this decline is a crucial component of happy and healthy aging. The Five Senses provides a detailed overview of the changes we experience in our senses as we age and offers practical guidance on managing this evolution for improved quality of life. Armed with this knowledge, older adults can maintain independence and live comfortably in their own homes as they age.

Mind Over Gray Matter
Mind Over Gray Matter: A New Approach to Dementia Care (Available on is the fifth book in our award-winning senior wellness series.
Dementia affects us all. Nearly half of individuals aged 85 and over are afflicted with the disease. As lifespans increase, Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia have become the most significant global health challenge of the 21st century. Mind Over Gray Matter represents a new approach to dementia care that offers practical guidance on caring for an individual with dementia as well as evidence-based techniques to improve quality of life and slow the progression of the disease. Armed with this knowledge, families can provide the support and resources their loved ones need to live safely and comfortably at home.

The Senior Sleep Solution
The Senior Sleep Solution (Available on is the sixth book in our senior wellness series and focuses on the common causes for sleep disturbance and provides methods to obtaining more restful nights.
As we age, our sleep patterns change. Older adults tend to have more difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep than their younger selves. Quality sleep, however, is essential to our physical health and mental well-being at any age. The Senior Sleep Solution explores the common cases of chronic sleep disturbance and provides practical guidance for seniors and caregivers alike on improving sleep quality and reducing sleep disruption. The strategies presented in The Senior Sleep Solution are based on well-researched and easily applied methods and include specific steps for seniors with dementia and various sleep disorders. Armed with the knowledge, families can be proactive about achieving the ever important good night’s rest.

The Brain Boost
The Brain Boost: A Practical Guide to Brain Health (Available on is the seventh book in our senior wellness series.
Is it possible to rewire the brain to enhance cognitive health as we age? The Brain Boost: A Practical Guide to Brain Health draws on cutting-edge research from the fields of cognitive science, neuropsychology and medicine to show that anyone can boost his or her brain performance through lifestyle changes. Full of fascinating studies—from explorations of the hippocampi of London taxi drivers to the role of the emotional tone of music in enhancing cognitive function in those with Alzheimer’s—The Brain Boost is a highly engaging window into the world of neuroplasticity, or the brain’s ability to reorganize itself throughout an individual’s lifespan to compensate for injury and disease. The Brain Boost offers practical, everyday tips to support brain health and longevity with a healthy diet, regular physical exercise, socialization and challenging cognitive stimulation. Combating the idea that cognitive decline is an inevitable part of aging, this book is a must read for adults of any age eager to harness the power of neuroplasticity to enhance their mental acuity and wellbeing.

Cognitive Therapeutics Method™
Dementia has been called the most significant global health challenge of the 21st century. Thus, it is increasingly necessary for scholars and professionals across disciplines who work with older adults to have a thorough understanding of dementia and the types of interventions most effective in addressing associated cognitive and functional decline. A comprehensive and well-researched volume that builds upon the burgeoning interest in the role of neuroplasticity in non-pharmacological interventions for dementia, The Cognitive Therapeutics Method™ (Available on is a necessary addition to the library of every scholar, clinician, researcher, and geriatric care professional with an interest in dementia care. Providing a balanced and in-depth analysis of the literature and exploring the evidence around myriad modalities of non-pharmacological interventions targeting problematic behaviors, mood issues, overall functioning, quality of life, and cognitive functioning deficits, the well-edited volume is an important and timely work.